A photo of now non-existant stencil on a deralict building near Skalka in Praha A photo of now non-existant stencil on a deralict building near Skalka in Praha

Za Rohem

Play 01 Play 01 Jeden 1:27
Play 02 Play 02 Dva 0:57
Play 03 Play 03 Tři 0:59
Play 04 Play 04 Čtyři 1:14
Play 05 Play 05 Pět 1:30
Play 06 Play 06 Šest 1:17
Play 07 Play 07 Sedm 1:23
Play 08 Play 08 Osm 1:36
Play 09 Play 09 Devět 1:22
Play 10 Play 10 Deset 1:28
Play 11 Play 11 Jedenáct 1:25
Play 12 Play 12 Dvanáct 1:54
Play 13 Play 13 Třináct 0:50
Play 14 Play 14 Čtrnáct 1:50
Play 15 Play 15 Padnáct 2:51
Play 16 Play 16 Šestnáct 1:29
Play 17 Play 17 Sedmnáct 1:47
Play 18 Play 18 Osmnáct 2:25
Play 19 Play 19 Devatenáct 1:14
Play 20 Play 20 Dvacet 2:24
Play 21 Play 21 Dvacet Jedna 3:45

I was informed of the existence of "Noisevember" a day or two before the month began. The challenge was to create one noise piece per day. As one can see, my result was 21 pieces, not 30. I skipped many days and also did two or three other days.

I added more melody than I originally intended, but what spewed from my hara is what spewed from my hara.

Bob Murry Shelton - Guitar, Effects, Modular Synth, Supercollider.

Christian Michael Newman - Acoustic guitar on Čtrnáct, Various Mumblings.

Mixed and mastered by the Yellow Throated Marten.

https://faircamp.thurk.org/za-rohem/ Copy Copied Failed Close