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A modified view of a grimy hotel in Santo Domingo de la Calzada
A modified view of a grimy hotel in Santo Domingo de la Calzada

Za Frigidním Ořem

Began with a modular synth until a type of skewed beat emerged. Once the landscape was in place, imagination filled in the details.
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Za Frigidním Ořem (2022)

Wrenched from the niggulum by Flavigula:

Bob Murry Shelton - modular synth, various other synths, guitar, multitudinous effects, ancient cassette tapes and a view of El Parque de Los Enamorados from the window

Christian Michael Newman - crooning, guitar, fuzz, album art, commentaries, surreptitious recordings and a cat named Lrš


Renata Connors - observations and ideologies

Tim Rowe - recitation
