An ambiguous mass surrounded by a guise of violet An ambiguous mass surrounded by a guise of violet

Omnivorous Expanse

Play 01 Play 01 Externally 4:04
Play 02 Play 02 Platonic Form 2 2:26
Play 03 Play 03 Universal Curtains 6:00
Play 04 Play 04 Gaps 3:19
Play 05 Play 05 Platonic Form 1 2:26
Play 06 Play 06 To Outer Objects 2:31
Play 07 Play 07 Dramitising 4:01
Play 08 Play 08 Ingrown Valhalla 4:25
Play 09 Play 09 Beyond the Birdsong 1:52
Play 10 Play 10 Möbius Institute 6:26
Play 11 Play 11 A Rough Sketch 2:12

Sometimes, The Universe conspires to orchestrate unseen, certain events, meetings, etc. in a serendipitous way.

Such was the case for the tracks you will hear on this album.

Two people who, as their relationship develops, realise that they perhaps have more in common than first appeared to be the case: musical tastes, influences and even some philosophical and metaphysical interests.

Somehow, despite different abilities and not having known each other for long, something 'clicked' and, almost alchemically, tracks came together - as if they had lives of their own. Copy Copied Failed Close